A downloadable game for Windows

This is currently very much WIP and lacks a lot of functionality. It is currently only properly playable as the defender.

A classic tower-defense game re-imagined as an asymmetric 2-player multiplayer game.

One player plays the defending side and the other plays the attacking side.
The defending side player plays like in a usual tower defense game.
The attacking side takes control of what is usually the AI's task in a classic
tower defense game.

How to play

Just launch the game using the executable. In the main menu select "Host" to start a new game (this opens a listen server on port 7777 and may trigger your firewall). You will be prompted to wait for a 2nd player to connect or just play solo by clicking the button. A 2nd player can join via IP (use as the IP to join yourself when using 2 local game instances on your own PC), however he is currently only able to spectate.

WASD to fly around. Mouse button hold and drag to view around.

Use the build menu on the bottom to build towers (it is lacking images as of now). You can place the towers in the map using left click, and cancel building using right click. Mouse wheel rotates the tower while in placement mode.


MultiplayerTD-win64-pre-alpha.zip 723 MB

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